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Studio @ NN DE Café:
De upcoming professional op locatie

📂Platform for Creative Entrepreneurship Contemporary creative professionals are creative managers, promotors, administrators and organisers all at the same time. This means that these creative professionals need to present themselves professionally, as well as remain distinctive in their creative practice. Studio @ NN DE Café is an exhibition that contributes to this new kind of creative entrepreneurship by functioning as a platform of opportunity and offering a space of possibilities. The exhibition is at the Nationale-Nederlanden Douwe Egberts Café – a place of art, work, and coffee centrally located across the street from Rotterdam Central Station. It also joins in the mission of the Willem de Kooning Academy (Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences) to create pioneers that maintain a close relationship with society. In this exhibition, twelve young professional artists and designers from various disciplines express and present themselves in a unique way. The value of the exhibition then lies partially in connecting professionals with different backgrounds and career trajectories. The challenge is to find interesting ways to juxtapose the works of these young artists and designers while still maintaining the sense of a coherent exhibition. Central to the design approach are a set of visual symbols that communicate about the distinctive qualities and skills of these young professionals. They effectively provide a number of anchors to visitors who would like to know more about the people behind the exhibited works. They may even trigger conversation. These anchors are displayed as simple word tag clouds printed atop the movable cabinets like informational beacons that are used to exhibit the artists’ and designers’ works whilst also suggesting ways to interpret them.

Kind Exhibition
Commissioner ING Art Management (ING Group)
Curator W. Thole; C. F. Rommerts
Designer F. N. van der Vlist
Contributor C. Bakker; R. van Eijk; D. van Gaalen; M. Isik; S. Kappers; A. Nedermeijer; T. de Rijk; M. van de Sande; J. Taks; E. Wieriks; N. Zijlstra
Exhibition Date 2013, October 1 – 2014, March 10 (6 months)
Exhibition Place NN DE Café (Stationsplein 25, 3013 AJ Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Printer Platform P (Rotterdam, Netherlands)


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